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    HowTo ingest data with ebulk inside Wendelin

    A tutorial showing how to ingest data into Wendelin using ebulk.
    • Last Update:2020-04-03
    • Version:001
    • Language:en


    This short HowTo will teach you how to ingest data inside Wendelin platform using ebulk. In order to do so you must have already a Wendelin instance ready and know its URL and username / password to access. There's no need of additional configuration at Wendelin side as it comes already pre configured.
    You can read wendelin-HowTo.Install.Wendelin.Standalone to know how to install Wendelin. Please note that during installation you should have checked to install the proposed data lake functionality!

    Step 1: Install ebulk

    root@debian: ~$ add-apt-repository ppa:rporchetto/ebulk-ppa
    root@debian: ~$ apt-get update
    root@debian: ~$ apt-get install ebulk

    Step 2: Configure ebulk client

    Before this step you need to be aware of your Wendelin's instance URL, username and password.

    # when asked please insert your Wendelin instance' URL which if you used installation HowTo should be
    # following: https://<ip_v4>/erp5
    ivan@debian: ~$ ebulk set-data-lake-url

    # please insert username / password which if you used installation HowTo should be provided by "erp5-show -s" command
    ivan@debian: ~$ ebulk store-credentials

    Step 3: Init your "data" and push to Wendelin

    # this step will prepare internally your folder with ebulk's metadata files inside
    ivan@debian: ~$ ebulk init <Your_BIG_Data_Set>

    # real push to Wendelin
    ivan@debian: ~$ ebulk push <Your_BIG_Data_Set>

    Step 4: Check your data is ingested at Wendelin side

    If you used Wendelin's installation HowTo with "data lake" funtionality selected for installation a default data lake website user interface will be available under this URL:


    And your newly uploaded data set should be there.