HowTo setup Fluentd on IOT Gateway


  • Supply Fluentd software on IOT Gateway
  • Learn configuration parameters for Fluentd
  • Request Fluentd instance for IOT Gateway


This tutorial teaches how to setup Fluentd on IOT Gateway. 

Before doing this tutorial make sure you read and completed the following tutorials

There are two ways how you can setup Fluentd. The first way uses the SlapOS web panel / dashboard. The second way makes use of the SlapOS Client. For the second way you will need to configure the SlapOS client. For that read SlapOS HowTo Use SlapOS Client tutorial from Get SlapOS Master Token chapter.

Supply Software

Supply via SlapOS Panel

Login to the panel and click on Servers (c).

Select the machine on which you want to supply Fluentd.

Supply via SlapOS Panel Cont.

Click on the Supply button.

Supply via SlapOS Panel Cont.

Select Fluentd.

Supply via SlapOS Panel Cont.

Choose the newest version.

Supply via SlapOS Panel Cont.

Click on Proceed.

Wait until the compilation process has been finished.

Supply via SlapOS Client

First find the reference of your IOT Gateway.

It is located in your Slapos Dashboard in Servers tab.

Then using supply command of Slapos Client install Fluentd software release on that computer.

supply("", "YOUR_COMPUTER_ID")

Configuration Parameters

@type forward
port 24224
bind ::0
@type wendelin
user      zope
password  *****
flush_mode interval
@type file
path fluentd-buffer-file/
flush_interval 1m

About Fluentd configuration file you can learn from here.

For input plugin we use Fluentd's standard forward plugin.

For output we use our custom output plugin called wendelin.

YOUR_TAG_NAME - it must consist of two parts separated by .(dot). For example sensor_1.sample-environment-raw-data. First part (sensor_1) is the name of the sensor and must be the same as the reference of the Data Supply we created in HowTo Create Data Supply tutorial. The second part (sample-environment-raw-data) is the type of data (Data Product  -  HowTo Create Data Product).

streamtool_uri - is the URL of the Wendelin instance created in HowTo Request ipv4 frontend with Ciphers tutorial. 

username and password  of that instance you can find in Connection Information tab of your webrunner as described in HowTo Install Wendelin on Webrunner.



Configuration Parameters Cont.

@type forward
port 24224
bind ::0
@type wendelin
user      zope
password  *****
flush_mode interval
@type file
path fluentd-buffer-file/
flush_interval 1m

We also use file buffering plugin for fluentd. 

For path give a relative path to a directory where you want to store buffer files.  

flush_interval 1m  means that data will be flushed to wendelin every minute. 


Request Instance

Request via SlapOS Panel

Go to the SlapOS dashboard and click on the Services (l) button.

Click on the Add button.

Request via SlapOS Panel Cont.

Select Fluentd.

Request via SlapOS Panel Cont.

Pick the newest version.

Request via SlapOS Panel Cont.

Enter a title for your Fluentd instance.

Request via SlapOS Panel Cont.

Select the machine on which you previously supplied Fluentd by clicking on the Compute Node drop-down list. This is the machine on which the instance will be requested.

Request via SlapOS Panel Cont.

Fill in the Fluentd configuration parameters in the Configuration field.

@type forward
port 24224
bind ::0
@type wendelin
user      zope
password  *****
flush_mode interval
@type file
path fluentd-buffer-file/
flush_interval 1m

Don't forget to correctly fill in your tag name, instance URL and so on.

Finally, click Proceed to request the instance.

Request via SlapOS Client

config_params = """<source>
  @type forward
  port 24224
bind ::0 
<match sensor_1.sample-environment-raw-data>
@type wendelin
user zope
password ******
flush_mode interval
@type file
path fluentd-buffer-file/
flush_interval 1m
request("", "IOT-Gateway-Tutorial-Fluentd",filter_kw={"computer_guid": "YOUR_COMPUTER_ID"}, partition_parameter_kw={"conf_text":config_params})

As the fluentd configuration has many parameters for convenience we will write a short python script which will request the instance, instead of calling request function from Slapos Client.  

Create a python script and name it and copy/paste the presented code. 

** Don't forget to correctly fill in your computer reference, Instance name, url etc. 

As we are requesting instance of fluentd for the same computer the reference is the same as when we were supplying the software.

"YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME" -  give your instance a distinguishing name so you can later easily find it. For example IOT-Gateway-Tutorial-Fluentd.

Once it's ready run it by calling following command : 

slapos console

Monitor instantiation

You can monitor the process by running

tail -f /opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-instance.log

on the respective machine.

Fluentd Instance

This step can take some time.  

In your SlapOS dashboard you can see your newly requested instance.

The instance is ready when the the Monitoring Status is green.

Note that the Fluentd configuration parameters we defined earlier can be found and edited in the Parameter Form section.

IOT Gateway

Login to your IOT Gateway and run the following command : 

sudo slapos node status

You see that a new service for Fluentd is added.

And the generated flunted configuration file is located here :



Now your IOT Gateway is ready to receive data and to forward it to Wendelin.

Thank You

  • Nexedi SA
  • 147 Rue du Ballon
  • 59110 La Madeleine
  • France
  • +33629024425

For more information, please contact Jean-Paul, CEO of Nexedi (+33 629 02 44 25).