HowTo Use Wendelin for Big Data Collaboration


  • How to download data
  • How to upload modified data


This tutorial gives an example of data collaboration. 

Before continue, make sure to finish HowTo Ingest Data in Wendelin with ebulk tutorial. 


Data Set

First register a new user and log in with that newly registered user.

Then navigate to Data Sets and note the the name of the data set (that was uploaded in the previous tutorial).



In terminal siply run the following commad

ebulk pull name_of_data_set

In our case is it testImages_artphoto

Upload Modified Data

After downloading data, you can modify it and upload again. 

In our example we renamed one file in our data set and during the upload ebulk detected that change and it uploaded only the modified file.

Thank You

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  • 59110 La Madeleine
  • France
  • +33629024425

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